Art Studio

Modified the Art Studio per our meeting on 2/22/19

  • Reduced the Covered Porches to only the South Side
  • Removed French Doors on North Side
  • Moved Cabinets and Sink to North Side
  • Removed Storage and Powder Room so it is now just one large open space
  • Removed the Fireplace and instead added a Pot Belly Stove as suggested - however - recommend having a stone back-wall as a thermal mass to capture the heat of the pot belly stove to make it more efficient
  • Added Window on East wall (with Barn Door shutters) to match the West Side Window

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  • Now combined with 

    Entertainment Barn

  • Per your comment above

    • I like it but you might want to run it by Mary since she said she liked the barn doors to close it off but the curtains will serve the same function.  Also the Bi-folds need to swing out (typical) and there wouldn't be enough wall space to cover them on either side for the barn doors (thus probably the reason why you had them swing inside) - but the curtains can still work with the out-swing bi-folds.  However - one thing to point out is that the "Barn Doors" that cover the windows are on the ends - and the "drapes" covering the bi-folds are more protected and under the covered porch (thus a different condition - so they don't all have to be "barn-door" shutters)
    • Art Studio looks good, with one comment...
    • Instead of French door and side windows on south wall (with sliding barn doors) -- I think we should consider bi-folding doors (without barn doors) for maximum view and indoor/outdoor feeling during nice weather.  If Mary wants to block off visibility inside, we can consider curtains on the inside.
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