Hi Tim,

I was wondering where you were going to cut your sections so we can match where the section cut is.  Did you need me to cut the existing grade?  

Also what is everyones' opinion on the elevation of rear court yard?  


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  • Hi team, could we do something like this outside the guest room?  I like the terraced rock retaining walls and steps getting down to landscaping.


  • Sounds great!  Agree lets keep french balcony.  Robert, please go ahead and send to Crystal and please include Tim's points above.  Thanks! --Jeff 

  • Robert - I think it is fine the way Robert has it drawn (though the french balcony would be smaller = but that is no big deal).   One thing to mention though when you send it off to Crystal is to mention to her that we reduced the sub-floor under the Guest Room to a standard 2ft crawlspace and added the retaining wall outside per the Design Review Meeting with the ARC as they suggested.   It is important to mention this.  Also we are going to need you to move from a conceptual sketch(s) to hard-line drawings with plants selected, lighting shown, hardscape defined, etc.... after this point.

    Jeff - My suggestion would be that we keep the guest room as a french balcony - like the upstairs kids balconies.   This will save you some money as oppose to having Robert desiging an outside patio (besides you have enough outside patio's with everything else + it will give the guest more privacy and security) = this is just a suggestion though.

  • Hi Robert, thank you.  I guess I had something different in my mind, I was imagining a flat area outside the guest room so that we could even have a french door there to walk out on to the grade.  As it is drawn now, there still is alot of empty space underneath the balcony.  Let's hold off sending to the town for now and see what Tim's comments are.  Thanks, --Jeff

  • Hello,  

    Great solution to pulling the grade up under the guest room.  Here's the section to send off to Crystal and David.  I don't mind sending this off in the AM.  


  • Attached are Crystal's comments. Keep in mind these are recommendations:

    "Hi Robert,

    I appreciate you sending over the document but the proposed development still doesn’t truly adapt to hillside slopes as required for this lot. I’ve attached some helpful notes and sample illustrations for the split or step down approach which are appropriate for hillside development. With this information and the meetings that we’ve had, I think a final design could be submitted and presented to the Design Review Board for their review. Staff will recommend the appropriate design for hillside development to the Board as required for this lot.

    Crystal De Castro"


    Hillside Guidelines_Page_07.jpg

    sample step down or split.JPG

  • Second set of sections


  • Uploading Sections


  • I like those suggestions alot.  The few steps down to the guest room should help with the transition to the landscaping below and we can even eliminate the extra bathroom door in the hallway if it makes it easier.  Having the northern side of the house at 831 sounds good and again should make the town happy.  I'm alittle worried about the slope of the hill to the west abutting the family room.  I would hope to have some flat area to the west of the family room to allow for circulation around the house.  I think Tim you mentioned since the FFE is below grade there we would need a retaining wall, maybe we could utilize the retaining wall to gain that space around the family room.


  • Hi Robert - The sections 5 and 6 that you are now showing look correct in terms of understanding the house and the sub-floor (except the garage will be on fill) but the key thing we need to study and have shown is how the patio's and terraces work to bring us back down closer to existing grade off the back side.  It also appears to show the plan as we currently have it (with 2 sets of steps to drop 2ft across its length) - but we mentioned the options that we have to bring the house down closer to grade.  The town and everyone knows that the garage really can't be lowered (since it affects the driveway) but we did have options to show more steps to have the house cut into the hillside more - to help alleviate your transitions in the landscape a bit more.   The strategies that we've been looking at has more steps across the length of the house but we could also add a few steps (maybe 2 or 3) just past the laundry room down towards the guest room (but we have to be careful  not to bury the house too much).

    How about we try this - we add 3 steps (assume 7-1/2" steps) from the laundry to the guest bedroom.  This means that Finish Floor (FF) - Elevation (EL) is 835.2 instead of 837.    Then we use 3 steps  (assume 7-1/2" steps) at each end of the gallery instead of the two we have now.   This makes the northern half of the house at 831.4.   This means that Office door (to the north-west of the main stair is about 3.6 ft below natural grade (with the sub-floor cut of 1ft for structure and 2ft for crawlspace) places the EL under the house at 6.6 ft below natural grade.   This should be more than enough but we will need to show then how your patio's respond to this change in FF since they will still need to be terraced down on the downhill side and now terraced or stepped up on the uphill side.  Just call if you want to go over this. - Thanks.

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