This discussion page will be used to capture the meeting notes for meetings with our partners - Cal Eng., DeBolt, Monk & Associates, Others as applicable.
Thursday October 16, 2014
Meeting Attendees: Jim Diggins (DeBolt), Mitch Wolfe (Cal Engineering), Tim Haley (Architect) - partial, Liwen and Vince Cheung (Owners)
Road Alignment:
Utility Trenches:
1. Mitch went over the Utility Line Alignment diagram with the team. He recommended that the best way is to get to the non-landslide area (for utility, sewer) as quickly as possible. Best approach is to follow current utility easement, doing a straight line from hook-up at bottom of the bridge up to DeHerrera's gate, then pick up from just outside and around Rick DeHerrera's gate to the "non-landslide" area and follow it straight up to the house.
Action Item (Mitch): Speak with Geoff Monk to describe how the utility trenches will run in order to complete biological study
Water Tanks:
1. Still need to decide on the best way to handle the 4 water tanks and where to dump the dirt. The tanks are currently located in a landslide area.
1a.. Tim proposed we bury them under the berm. Jim needs to determine if there is enough space for the tanks, turnaround, and house to all fit on that pad. Depending on if and where the tanks will go, the orientation of the house may need to change. Need Mike Murphy, contractor, to weigh in.
Action Item (Mitch):
Send the Cheung an estimate on boring logs at the following locations:
- East garage area
- Where water tanks are and possible re-location of dirt
- North and Northwest corners of the house to specify requirements for retaining walls
- Potential widening of the road IF DEEMED NECESSARY by Fire Department
Road Alignment:
1. Resolve with the fire department ASAP on any required modifications to roadways, especially the widening of the turn at the switchback by DeHerrera's gate
2. Note to all: Recent lot line adjustment with DeHerrera transferred ownership of the first parts of the road leading up to DeHerrera's gate. In other words, we officially own the lot covering roads from the switchback up to Tu's property line. This may impact conversation with Fire Department
Action Item (Jim): Set up a meeting week of Oct 20 with Ian and the Cheungs. Utility Trenches:
1. Mitch went over the Utility Line Alignment diagram with the team. He recommended that the best way is to get to the non-landslide area (for utility, sewer) as quickly as possible. Best approach is to follow current utility easement, doing a straight line from hook-up at bottom of the bridge up to DeHerrera's gate, then pick up from just outside and around Rick DeHerrera's gate to the "non-landslide" area and follow it straight up to the house.
Action Item (Mitch): Speak with Geoff Monk to describe how the utility trenches will run in order to complete biological study
Water Tanks:
1. Still need to decide on the best way to handle the 4 water tanks and where to dump the dirt. The tanks are currently located in a landslide area.
1a.. Tim proposed we bury them under the berm. Jim needs to determine if there is enough space for the tanks, turnaround, and house to all fit on that pad. Depending on if and where the tanks will go, the orientation of the house may need to change. Need Mike Murphy, contractor, to weigh in.
1b. Mitch to conduct further study of the region to determine where to put the water tanks and extra dirt as well as 2 additional borings to complete the building pad geological report.
Action Item (Jim):
Confirm water tank requirements in Fire Department meeting
Send the Cheung an estimate on boring logs at the following locations:
- East garage area
- Where water tanks are and possible re-location of dirt
- North and Northwest corners of the house to specify requirements for retaining walls
- Potential widening of the road IF DEEMED NECESSARY by Fire Department
Action Item (Mitch): Start the permit process for boring at Cheung and Tu's properties. Note: Takes 8 days to get permit. Permit fees - $1200 + 24-hour notice required to stop drilling to avoid paying drilling fees.
Action Item (Vince):
Obtain permission to drill from Tu
Action Item (Jim): After Fire Department conversation, stake the corners of the house to inform location of additional borings. Also stake the utility trench path up to the house.
Meeting Attendees: Liwen, Vince, David Crompton (Planner, town of Danville), Michael Stella (Sr. Civil Eng, town of Danville)
Quick note to let you know that we had a very good meeting with the Town today regarding Engineering's incomplete letter back in the fall. Thank you all for the continued progress, and especially to MITCH and JIM for pushing us to the "finish line" on this front!!
Added Debolt's drawings to the Current Drawing section (PDFs)
Attendees: David Crompton(Planner for Town of Danville), Tim Haley, Liwen Cheung, Vince Cheung
Monday October 27, 2014
Water tank requirements from the San Ramon Fire Department Plans Examiner - Ian Hardage
1) The Total Cubic Volume of the House (Livable Areas) is 69,772 c.f. and the Garages are 22,482 c.f.
2) Based on the total volume the required fire water supply per NFPA 1142 is 19,769 Gallons of water that by local requirements we are able to reduce by up to 50% when the building is protected throughout by an automatic fire sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. For NFPA 13D systems the minimum design criteria is a four-head design area without exceptions to sprinkler head locations (i.e. all bathrooms, closets and attics would be required to be protected) All protection can be done with residential type sprinklers. Worst case scenario would be a 5-head design for the attic if required by the listing of the sprinkler. If the reduced water supply requirements are met then the minimum required water supply would be 9,885 gallons.
Thursday October 23, 2014
Meeting Attendees: Ian Hardage (Plans Examiner), Jim Diggins (Civil), Liwen and Vince
We met with Ian Hardage at the San Ramon Fire District to review the requirements for widening of the road and water tanks.
Switchback (Road Widening):
1. Ian offered to have a fire truck go to the site to determine if they could maneuver around the turn and the existing roadway. This will be done next week.
Action Item (Jim): Send him a vicinity map and arid an aerial showing how to get to the site. (Done)
2. If the rest of the road is 16 feet wide then that satisfies the fire department min. requirement.
Water Tanks:
1.The size of the water tanks is a function of the volume within the residence, including attic and garage areas. Ian stated that if the architect forwarded that information, he would calculate the size of the tank based upon fire codes. He also said that the architect could determine the tank size using the codes if he wished.
Once the size of the tank is determined, we will review the location, whether to have multiple tanks, etc. Ian did say the shape of the tank was not important only the capacity. He also said that the connection to the tank should be 3 feet to 12 feet from the edge of the new driveway.