After our team meeting on Friday August 1, Tim asked us to post the photos of the home exterior we liked. This will be used for the color board for submitting the plans to the town.
In general, we want to stay to a more earthy color scheme. We prefer not to have too much wood, stone elements for reasons of on-going maintenance and cost, respectively.
1. Would like wood material on the bottom side of the roof overhangs with lights.
2. Like of the colors on this home, beige, sand like colors with a warm yellow/gold undertone. This will blend nicely with the summer grass in the surrounding area per Tim's suggestion.
3. We are open to using some stones to complement the stucco or simply using different colors. The only material we probably want to avoid is wood where there is heavy sunlight that will lead to more frequent maintenance. Tim, can you come up with some suggestions for us and drawings?
4. Would like the windows to be aluminum clad exterior and a wood interior. We prefer any dark color aside from black.
5. We want the garage doors to look exactly like the one in this photo.
We went to an Open House this weekend at 500 Oakshire Place in Alamo. This modern house is a spec. home that was just built. Here are the photos of the things we liked and why. WE would like to keep these in mind as we're working out the details of the house exterior. Also including the exterior photos we clipped on HOUZZ. Please see photo and description.
HOUZZ photos:
Photo #1 - house number and post. We liked the material (not color) used for the post at the main entrance. There is this small spacing between each horizontal block.
Photo #2 - It seems the material used for the house number post is again used even on the main house exterior. We liked the bolts on each panel to accent it. Again, do not like the dark grey color though.
Photo #3 - We liked the frosted garage door. We would prefer the metal lines to be darker in color rather than this light grey
Liwen - It looks like Monday could still work for submittal. Mike just stopped by with the stucco and Ipe Wood Samples (he had to have Chris go into Martinez to find the Ipe wood but it looks great) - let me know.
We have selected the following paint colors and materials for the exterior of the house. We would like to look at the colors in person (for stucco) and on allylocal (other materials) before submitting to the town.
1. Colonial Red 24GA Kynar
1. Behr - Canoe ECC-13-1 (to match the summer grass)
2. Behr - Red Pepper PPU2-2 (to match the manzanita bark)
1. Thick pieces with spacing between each. We like the color and width of the wood in photo #3 above that Tim posted.
2. Currently proposed to have this material for Vince's office structure
1. The color of the aluminum siding should match the balcony railing. It should also match the main gates and anywhere else we plan to use aluminum. WE do not want black color but more a more grey(ish) color
2. Currently propose to have this material for the master bedroom structure
1. Currently propose to have this material on front entry
Details and other materials
Manzantia examples
Ok. Please also see our reply on the other thread and feedback from Liwen's meeting with a member of the DRB yesterday - doesn't seem that the light beige "dry-grass-like" color would work for the Town (the guy found it too light) and the metal roof color we were leaned toward (which resembles manzanita bark) was also deemed too bright.
Tim, we'll need some additional suggestions on combos when we speak later today, we can do the paint manufacturer visit.
Tim, also responded to you on the roof-top terrace railing and wood exterior preference on the other thread.
Just spoke to Mike and he spoke to his stucco guy. Mike mentioned that we should get a paint sample color identification (number or name) from a well known paint manufacturer for our two main house colors (beige or dry grass color + a manzanita bark color). It doesn't matter the manufacturer you pick. I'll talk to Vince and Liwen about picking this out in our scheduled phone call today.
I like how you love the contrast wall colors and contrasting roof color from the lighter beige walls. I think if we match the color of the dry grass (in the summer) - then the Town of Danville would love it as well. We need to get Mike's stucco guy to produce a material Sample Board for our submittal.
*** On photo #6 we like the aluminum material frame against a light beige color