Construction Meeting #002

Attendees:  Mike Murphy, Todd Mink, and myself.

Topics Discussed (please reply to add additional comments or topics as needed):

1. Grading:  Mike wanted to visually verify the sub-floor depth - eyeing it (not with accurate survey at the time of visual inspection) - it look about right.

2. Achieving a zero threshold in Courtyard:  Reviewed the fact that we will need to account for the thickness of the hardscape and gravel bed under the hardscape to achieve the zero threshold with adjacent Finish Floor.  This means we will need to have the pad-cut in the courtyard area to be about 10-12" below finish floor height to account for the material thickness.

3. Disposal of Cut:  Much of the cut material was being trucked off site - but it looks like we could still dispose of some of the material down by the cabana - but this would also require benching and compaction.  Todd was more in favor of trucking it all off the site.

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