Posted by Tim Haley on November 27, 2018 at 3:18pm
This page will be reserved for the actual plumbing fixture list (and will be revised) - pages below this on this thread are comments to achieving the list
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I love them and they are what I would select. However it clearly makes a statement to a more contemporary style as oppose to traditional - which I think is fine though since we have many contemporary aspects to the house.
I personally love the polished chrome and think it is neutral - though it does have a flare for being contemporary. Something like the oil-rub bronze or even brass (which I don't like) are more traditional or even black....... or white. Again - I think what you selected is fine though.
Hi Tim,
What do you think of about these fixtures?
Should we to polished chrome, non polished, etc?
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Begin forwarded message:
From:Danny Lee a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">> Date:November 20, 2018 at 10:48:30 PM PST To:Julia My Hun a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">> Subject:Images of fixtures
Julia's e-mail from 11/24/18
My response to the questions below....
Hi Tim,
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