Hello TIm,
Finally had a good chunk of time to look at the layouts. A few items to review:
- The requested increase of 2ft to the casita looks good.
- Can I see the back and left elevations? I realize that the left is just a blank wall with a retaining platform underneath, but I would like to see what you are thinking regarding the windows on the street side.
- I have been looking at the front and right elevation you did and the interaction with the house. I would like to see how the house "overlays" onto the casita front elevation. The house roof overhangs appx. 2.5 ft onto the area where the breezeway has a little peaked roof. From the right elevation, the house and the breezeway overlap (where the two people are standing) and the roof of the house and casita both start at 8ft, so i would like to see what it looks like and what will happen with the roof overhang.
Thanks, Julie